Accueil > Aménager votre espace > Reception, floors and rest area

Reception, floors and rest area

Make a good impression on your visitors!
Pamper your employees.

Yousense advises you on the design of your entrance hall, reception area and waiting room to set up a digital display, guide your visitors, install interactive terminals, and think up a video wall for an immediate visual impact. 

A central digital signage player with messaging options, pleasant background music in the waiting room, a video wall with company films and/or a suitable sound system give your entrance hall or reception area a professional appearance. 

You only have one chance to make a good first impression on those who visit your premises. An optimal audiovisual installation of your building starts at the reception. 


A meeting at the coffee machine?

Combine business with pleasure: inform your staff in the coffee area with cutting-edge audiovisual equipment.
Equip your coffee area with a digital board, an LED screen, a video wall and some background music. Employees can find out about new products and events at their leisure during their break by the coffee machine. Customers and candidates can, while enjoying a coffee, watch a corporate video which reflects an atmosphere that is both professional and pleasant in the office. 

The Yousense team supports you in selecting audiovisual equipment for your premises to create a pleasant and user-friendly working environment.